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Help Center > End of the rental > I can’t terminate my rental!

I can’t terminate my rental!

Check that the red button located on the right of the handlebars is switched to ‘OFF’. If it is already switched to ‘OFF’, turn it ‘ON’ then ‘OFF’ again.

If it still doesn’t lock, make sure that all the lights on the left of the handlebars are turned off. If a light is turned on to alert you to you something, complete the necessary action.

Ensure you have put the helmet away facing the right direction (forwards, visor towards the front of the scooter) and are parked inside the Cityscoot zone.

If the problem persists, contact Customer Services on +33 (0)9 69 36 20 26.

Outside office hours:

Ensure that the scooter is correctly parked, switch the red button located on the right of the handlebars to ‘OFF’, then ‘ON’, then ‘OFF’ again.

Wait for 2 minutes.

The scooter will turn off.

Immediately send us a message via the app, detailing the problem and the scooter number.

At no time should you ever abandon the scooter when the meter is still turned on!